How to Make Armenian Dolma (Tolma): Quick Dolma Recipe

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Armenian Dolma, or as we Armenians say, Tolma (Տոլմա), is one of my favorite Armenian dishes. Its delicious taste and many variations have made Tolma a beloved dish in every Armenian family for decades.

In this article, I’ll talk about how to make Armenian Dolma (Tolma) and provide a detailed Tolma recipe.

Introduction to Armenian Dolma (Tolma)

Armenian Dolma or Tolma is known as one of the main dishes representing Armenian cuisine. It’s a mixture of meat and spices rolled up in grape leaves.

Over the centuries, the Tolma recipe has evolved, other ingredients like rice, yogurt with garlic (Armenian matsun), and more were added to the cooking process.

Armenin Tolma
Armenian Tolma with Matsun Sauce

Additionally, over time, the meat has been stuffed not only in grape leaves but also in cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, and more. Dolma is also popular in Mediterranean cuisine.

Also, variations of Dolma are popular in the South Caucasus, Middle East, Balkans, Central Asia, and even in India.

Armenian Tolma is also part of religious meals in Armenia. For example, there’s a vegetarian version of Tolma called “Pasuts Tolma,” (Պասուց Տոլմա) which means “Fasting Tolma,” made with only vegetables and grains.

Armenian Tolma
Armenian Tolma Stuffed in Vegetables and Cooked in Armenian Tonir

Tolma is so popular in Armenia that, similar to wine festivals in Armenia, it has its own Armenian Tolma festival where masters from all over the country prepare more than 60 types of Tolma.

My Top 3 Favorite Versions of Armenian Tolma

  1. Classic Tomla (my mother’s recipe with grape leaves from our garden)
  2. Tolma in Cabbage (gives a distinguished taste to the meat when it is cooked in its juice)
  3. Tolma in Eggplant (not only can be boiled but also can be cooked on a fire or oven)

How to Make Armenian Dolma (Tolma)

Tolma Ingredients

  • 500 grams of ground lamb or beef meat (you can mix them for better taste)
  • Finely chopped one onion
  • 300 grams of well-rinsed and drained long-grain rice (can be short-grain rice)
  • Finely chopped one bunch of fresh parsley
  • Finely chopped one bunch of fresh dill
  • Finely chopped one bunch of fresh cilantro
  • Minced 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon of ground coriander
  • 200 grams of tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper (on your preference)
  • 350 grams of grape leaves (well rinsed in hot and the stems cut)

Armenian Matsun (Yogurt) with Garlic Ingredients

  • 300 grams of matsun (or no-sugar-added yogurt)
  • Finely chopped garlic

Tip: In Western Armenian traditional cuisine is also popular matsun with mint sauce.


  • 300 grams of matsun (or no-sugar-added yogurt)
  • Finely chopped garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • Finely chopped one bunch of fresh mint
  • Salt and black pepper (on your preference)

Mixed all together and the sauce is ready!

Armenian Tolma
My Mother’s Armenian Tolma Recipe

Armenian Dolma (Tolma) Recipe Step by Step

Step 1

In a big bowl, mix already minced meat and finely chopped garlic, parsley, coriander, and onion. At the end, add black pepper and salt. Mix all the ingredients by hand.

Step 2

In the same bowl, add rice and continue mixing with hand.

Step 3

Take a large or medium pot and fully cover the bottom of the pot with 4 or 5 leaves so the dolma won’t get stuck to the bottom of the pot.

Step 4

Now it’s time to roll the meat in the grape leaves. One by one spread open each leaf and on a cutting board (the leaf must be the wrong side up).

Take approximately 10 grams or a teaspoon of meat mixed with other ingredients from the bowl and put on the bottom of the leaf.

First, fold the sides of the leaf, then from the bottom, roll it up to make a small tub like you are rolling a cigarette in the paper.

My mom rolling tolma
My Mom Rolling Tolma

Step 5

Layer by layer, place tolma in the pots, and try to make 3 to 4 layers (it can be 3 layers depending on your pot and quantity of ingredients).

Step 6

Then add 2 cups of water and place a plate on the top of the last layer face down for stability. If you want to have an extra flavor and make the most traditional Armenian tolma, then you can add to it already-made chicken broth or boiled beef bones broth.

Step 7

Put the pot on the stove for 50 minutes and make sure that the temperature is around 150°C (300°F).

Important to know: If you are making tolma for the first time, please know that you don’t mix or stir it.

Adding Matsun sauce on Tolma
Matsun or Mint Sauce on Tolma

After it is done, place tolma on the plate, and top of it, add already prepared matsun (yogurt) with garlic or mint sauce, and bon appétit!

I hope you will enjoy cooking the Armenian Tolma recipe and also will enjoy the taste of it!

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2 thoughts on “How to Make Armenian Dolma (Tolma): Quick Dolma Recipe

  1. Veron Turk says:

    Love it it’s the same way my Mom used to make it and she taught me how to my family especially my grandchildren love it

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