Author Archives: Aram Vardanyan

Amasia: Reasons to Check Out Shirak’s Most Colorful Village

Things to do in Amasia, Armenia - Shirak Marz-8

Amasia is not particularly a place that comes to mind for most travelers visiting Armenia, but the small village in Shirak is definitely worth a pit-stop on a Lake Arpi journey or if you’re looking for day trips from Gyumri. This is a quick guide detailing a few reasons to stop by colorful Amasia and […]

Belleville Guesthouse Review: Accommodation in the Heart of Ijevan

Belleville Guesthouse Review: Accommodation in the Heart of Ijevan

We recently had the opportunity to stay at Belleville Guesthouse, a brand new place in Ijevan that offers superb city center accommodation for reasonable prices.  We were unsure of what to expect as our stay was arranged a bit last minute, but we are were pleasantly surprised and extremely happy about our time there. This […]

On the Lookout for Lenin in Arin Village (Vayots Dzor)

I will never forget the moment we found out that there was a Lenin statue in Arin village, Armenia.  We were on a trip down in Syunik and Hovik, the wonderful man that co-owns Shahnazar Adventure Camping told us about the place. To be honest, we believed him but we are always such skeptics until […]

Yeganyans’ Guest House and Wine Yard in Ashtarak (Review)

Yeganyans' Guest House and Wine Yard in Ashtarak, Armenia

This post discusses my wonderful time and stay at Yeganyans’ Guest House and Wine Yard in Ashtarak and how you can have a trip of your own! We love to spontaneously take road trips to other cities and surrounding natural places in Armenia. Sometimes it is to experience new hiking trails (because Armenia is definitely […]